Wednesday, January 13, 2010

... He Calls Me By Name ...

January 13th, 2008 was a Sunday. I woke up before Aaron and started to get ready for church. Before I jumped in the shower, I thought I would ease my mind by taking a little test. I hate tests. I stink at them. This one was easy. I passed with flying colors. What a difference one little line can make. I had two little lines. This means I passed. My first reaction was not one my Mom would have been proud of :) I said a word she wouldn't have liked. Knowing my history with tests, maybe I assumed I would fail. I really didn't think much of it and then I looked down and freaked out ... Aaron was asleep and woke up to my antics. He was shocked. We both were. We were happy-shocked if you know what I mean. Apparently, we are fertile. Good to know. Random to admit, but oh well. Anyway, we had about 9 months to get ourselves together and that is just what we did. We planned, hoped, gagged and slept a lot (well, not we, but I did), painted (thanks Michele!), we just dreamed about how and what would be different come September. This blog probably documented most of that time.

And we had no idea ... the amount of work and sleepless nights that were coming ... we are still learning how much sacrifice it takes to parent. I am amazed every day, sometimes every minute, how much God is using this little person to teach me how much I need Him. But for all of the sacrifice, we also had no idea how much love would pour out of us. I didn't even know there was a place in my heart for that kind of love. And still, I am amazed everyday, sometimes every minute at how much God is using this little life to show me how much He loves me and how little I know about love and sacrifice.

Literally, 20 minutes ago, I looked up from the packaging copy I was writing (for Sanctus Real's new project, Pieces Of A Real Heart, coming out on 3/9/10 - it's awesome by the way and you need to buy it) and thought to call Brody and Aaron at home to take a little break and get the boost of energy I need to finish this up. Sometimes when I call home, Aaron will put the phone on speaker phone and I will sing to Brody. He is taking a music class and loves it. We are really enjoying it too and I was working on one of his new favorite songs. So far the only word he has said is Pop (used in perfect timing) in the song, Pop Goes the Weasel. He did that for us right on cue over the phone. I love those moments. I can't sing at all so I sing very low hoping no one at work hears me. But still, those are always the best parts of my day. Anyway, at some point in the conversation, Aaron said, "ok, Brody, say goodbye to Momma." ... not at all expecting anything from him, but this time he did it ... what I had been waiting to hear since January 13th, 2008. Two years to the very day I passed my test. Almost perfectly, Brody said very simply, "momma!"

I still don't think I have caught my breath. I just kept saying, "oh my goodness" ... over and over. He won't do it again. And that is typical Brody. Don't ask for too much. What I give you is just enough. Wait! Maybe that is more like what God is trying to teach me ... I will have to think on that one ...

But for today ... what a gift! To be called by name! So thankful my God calls me by name ... and now ... my son does too!

... then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (NLT)


Elise / Pennyweight said...

jess - this is so sweet!!!!!! so so so exciting. wow, the Lord is so good, huh?!

[and at first read, i may have thought you were pregnant again :)]

.::Jess::. said...

Oh no!!! Not just yet! I wouldn't have a clue what to do with myself :)

I can totally see how you would think that though. I ramble and I totally did in this post.

Love you Elisey!

skyfly21 said...

What a sweet, precious story that was!!!! Perfect timing little Brody!

The Fawleys said...

Isn't that an awesome moment!! There is nothing like being called "momma"..... Way to go Brody!

Anonymous said...

There was a time when all three of my kids called me something different; Mom, Mommy and Momma. I loved all of those but never wanted to be called 'Mother' by any of my children.