Wednesday, January 13, 2010

... He Calls Me By Name ...

January 13th, 2008 was a Sunday. I woke up before Aaron and started to get ready for church. Before I jumped in the shower, I thought I would ease my mind by taking a little test. I hate tests. I stink at them. This one was easy. I passed with flying colors. What a difference one little line can make. I had two little lines. This means I passed. My first reaction was not one my Mom would have been proud of :) I said a word she wouldn't have liked. Knowing my history with tests, maybe I assumed I would fail. I really didn't think much of it and then I looked down and freaked out ... Aaron was asleep and woke up to my antics. He was shocked. We both were. We were happy-shocked if you know what I mean. Apparently, we are fertile. Good to know. Random to admit, but oh well. Anyway, we had about 9 months to get ourselves together and that is just what we did. We planned, hoped, gagged and slept a lot (well, not we, but I did), painted (thanks Michele!), we just dreamed about how and what would be different come September. This blog probably documented most of that time.

And we had no idea ... the amount of work and sleepless nights that were coming ... we are still learning how much sacrifice it takes to parent. I am amazed every day, sometimes every minute, how much God is using this little person to teach me how much I need Him. But for all of the sacrifice, we also had no idea how much love would pour out of us. I didn't even know there was a place in my heart for that kind of love. And still, I am amazed everyday, sometimes every minute at how much God is using this little life to show me how much He loves me and how little I know about love and sacrifice.

Literally, 20 minutes ago, I looked up from the packaging copy I was writing (for Sanctus Real's new project, Pieces Of A Real Heart, coming out on 3/9/10 - it's awesome by the way and you need to buy it) and thought to call Brody and Aaron at home to take a little break and get the boost of energy I need to finish this up. Sometimes when I call home, Aaron will put the phone on speaker phone and I will sing to Brody. He is taking a music class and loves it. We are really enjoying it too and I was working on one of his new favorite songs. So far the only word he has said is Pop (used in perfect timing) in the song, Pop Goes the Weasel. He did that for us right on cue over the phone. I love those moments. I can't sing at all so I sing very low hoping no one at work hears me. But still, those are always the best parts of my day. Anyway, at some point in the conversation, Aaron said, "ok, Brody, say goodbye to Momma." ... not at all expecting anything from him, but this time he did it ... what I had been waiting to hear since January 13th, 2008. Two years to the very day I passed my test. Almost perfectly, Brody said very simply, "momma!"

I still don't think I have caught my breath. I just kept saying, "oh my goodness" ... over and over. He won't do it again. And that is typical Brody. Don't ask for too much. What I give you is just enough. Wait! Maybe that is more like what God is trying to teach me ... I will have to think on that one ...

But for today ... what a gift! To be called by name! So thankful my God calls me by name ... and now ... my son does too!

... then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.
2 Chronicles 7:13-14 (NLT)

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy {NEW} Year!


Ah, sounds so good to me!

I need {new} right now.

I am craving {new}!

Welcome 2010! I am so ready for you to be here! Please bring happy things! I love that after Christmas comes ... a {new} year. Jesus and then ... {new}! Isn't that just like Him! He brings ... {new}.

Can you tell I am pumped up and ready to wash away 2009 and bring on 2010 yet. I am journeying on looking forward to this year.
December 31st is almost always a nostalgic day for me. This year though I feel like I am standing at the cusp of something. Just ready for it ... whatever, it is and slowly I am starting to feel more alive then before. I pray God kindles the fire He is starting in my heart and provides me with the courage to walk the road He has for me!
I am praying for these things in the {new} year ...

  • Spending some time seeking the maker of all things {new} and what He has up His sleeve for our family!
  • Growing as a parent. Watching our little man grow. Seeking God's wisdom for guiding this precious soul through life.
  • Understanding the story He has given me (and us) and how I can use that in the place He has me now.
  • Finding a way to get my baby sister closer to me! This is starting to become more of a necessity rather than a hope. My heart can't take many more miles or time between us. Sisters weren't meant to live apart.
  • Being more grateful for the people in my life. Spending time with our parents and sharing the joys of the watching our son and their grandson grow.
  • Finding my community. A soft place to land, with real, loving, forgiving people. Who know your story and love you anyway.
  • and finally, being me & being perfectly ok with that!
~ Welcome 2010 ~

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Going Home ...

We are leaving in the morning to go "home" for the weekend. This will be the first time ... I won't have anyone in my family to go home to. It's weird. I am struggling with the fact that there is not Weaver house in Princeton anymore. I moved away in 2002. My parents moved in December ... well, Dad finally moved then. The past couple of days I have been thinking about the people and relationships that I had there who helped form who I am. I feel like I am grieving relationships, choices, memories, and things about life that happened years ago. Lately, I have played the "what if" tape a lot. So tonight, I am trying to re-focus myself back to "what is"

Here are some Halloween pictures from Brody's first trick or treating adventure!

We laughed so hard ... he was adorable as Yoda. He ended up falling asleep halfway through trick or treating :)

He is growing so fast. Who knew having a kid could be so much fun!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Confessions That Won't Make Me Cool ...

Let's be real ... I do not have time for this blog. I should not be writing in this moment. I am at work and I have way too much to do, but I can't shake these little thoughts in my head. I was thinking to myself, if some people knew these things about me, they might check me off their cool list. Then I felt the Holy Spirit say, who cares? Why are you keeping these thoughts to yourself? I don't think you will be any better for reading this, but I will be in the light of who my maker made me to be ... so here are my confessions for today ...

  • I have never really cared about U2. I am sure they are a great band and I hear their live show is amazing, but nothing in my life so far as drawn me to them. Maybe someday. I feel sure Bono is a nice guy, but I don't know him. However, I do like his glasses. Lately I am pretty turned off at every tweet or post about who is going to their show or who is watching the live feed. I don't know why.
  • I really hate NPR ... it puts me to sleep. I feel pretentious just listening to it. I don't want those voices putting thoughts in my head or making me think ... I would rather listen to a song or see a tree that causes me to pause and ponder. That probably sounds stupid ... again, I don't care.
  • I have a really twisted sense of humor. I generally laugh at things that should not be funny. This often causes my mom to be embarrassed of me and my husband to be turned on ... and therein lies another reason why sometimes I feel caught between the two of them.
  • I struggle with being true to who I am ... I am constantly wanting to be shaped or formed by anyone but the being that dreamt me up ... seeing it written convicts me to the stupidity of that. Why do I care what another broken soul thinks of me? They too are broken! Eeeekkk!

4 random ramblings for today that do not seem all that positive. Oh well. It's truth. I am going back to do work now. Happy Monday!

Monday, July 20, 2009

We're Crawling ... Everywhere!

Much to my dismay, Brody recently picked up crawling. It's all my mother's fault ... she felt the need to teach him where his knees were. I like to have him crawl down the hallway to me! We were practicing crawling the other day! Here are two videos of his attempts. The first time he doesn't quite make it, but it will make you laugh. Don't worry, he only cried for a second and we were back at it again :)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Inviting The Glorious Into The Mundane

As you can tell it has been a month since I have posted. We now have a 10 month old who sleeps in his own room, plays with his toys on his own, and can crawl across the room to pull on my legs when he wants to be held. What a blessing we have been given! Yet in the day-to-day, I am struggling to figure out how I will love on him enough while I am getting ready for work so that he knows he is loved while I am away. I long to be sitting on the back porch with him playing with his shapes and water bucket at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. And at 5:30 I race home all the way praying that God will give me the strength to be present with him in the few hours I have before he goes to bed. I am so tired and drained from all of the energy that the day requires from me that when I get home I don't feel like there is much left of me to give. The details of life have been stealing my joy and clouding my vision, keeping me from enjoying the blessings God has given me ... like a husband who gives up his time to help take care of Brody so he doesn't have to be in daycare, a boy whose eyes light up when I walk into the room, a job that I love and that I feel like I am good at doing even on the rough days. I have allowed all of that to be taken from me. I am reposting this video blog from Christy Nockels. There will be more to come, but today it gave me that kick in the pants that I needed and the reminder that if I just invite God into the details of my life, ask Him to fill in the gaps of my humanity, I can be the wife, mother, daughter, sister, and worker that He created me to be.

Here is the blog from Christy Nockels ... more coming soon!

Being A Mom {Part 1} from christy nockels on Vimeo.

Friday, June 12, 2009

9 Months!!!

Our little man is 9 months old today. Hard to believe he has been in the world longer than he spent growing and fluttering around inside of me. He is so much more than I ever imagined he would be ... my cup is full. I still can't believe that God let's me be his momma!

Here are some pictures that might make you smile!