Friday, May 23, 2008
Florida ... Here We Come!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
What I Do Know ...
- My King sits on the throne and knows way more than I do!
- All things come together for good for those who serve Him!
- This baby growing in my belly (and making me fat) is being knitted together piece by piece by the most creative of Creators and He has a path in life already marked out for this little one.
- All Aaron and I need to do is make sure he grows up knowing to just hold on to the Lord's hand & everything will be ok. And the same goes for me too - which I often forget :)
Last night after watching the finale of American Idol with our friends Mike and Michele we headed home and I received a phone call from a friend at work. The sad news about Steven Curtis Chapman's daughter Maria passing away after a tragic accident had made it's way down the EMI CMG pipeline to me. In the midst of all of this, from the outside looking in, I see hope. Today there is pain and loss for this family beyond anything I can comprehend, but God is in the business of doing amazing things and I cannot wait to see how he uses this tragedy to glorify him.
So what I do know is that this is not my home and I don't need to know the answers to the questions of this world. I have such a peace in knowing that all I have to do is walk by faith.
Because truthfully, those kids in high school who were so popular and cool had struggles too and at reunions aren't they the ones that have been in jail, gotten really overweight, or still live with their parents at 45? And also, God blessed me with this job (there is no doubt about it) and He blessed Aaron and I with our son who we will meet soon. So surely He will help us find a way to mix all of that together. All we have to do is hold His hand and walk close by Him no matter what life brings.
If you care to read them, here are the lyrics to Amy's song that I have played over and over again today. It used to be something my Momma and I sang on the way to school in the mornings. Thanks Mom & Dad for making sure I grew up knowing that this place is temporary and not my home. I promise to pass that along to your grandson too and I am certain that the Chapman's have done that as well - how awesome that they know they have someone waiting to see them when they get home ... for good.
In A Little While
Got a ticket coming home
Wish the officer had known
What a day today has been
Then I stumbled through the door
Dropping junk mail on the floor
When will this day end?
But then your letter caught my eye
Brought the hope in me to life
'Cause you know me very well
And I bet you wrote me
Just to tell me
In a little while
We'll be with the Father
Can't you see Him smile?
In a little while
We'll be home forever
In a while …
We're just here to learn to love Him
We'll be home in just a little while
Boy, that letter hit the spot
Made me think of all I've got
And all that waits for me
Guess I've known it all day long
Wonder where my thoughts went wrong
When will my heart believe?
Waking half way through the night
Reaching toward the lamp for light
Picking up the Word I find
Here's another letter
To remind me
Friday, May 16, 2008
Personified God
If you haven't read The Shack - get it ... NOW! Lately, God is showing me all of these personified views of Himself. The lion in this video gives me chills and the way He is portrayed in The Shack is amazing. I can't wait to see this movie. I think we will have to go see it next weekend when we visit Mom and Dad in Florida!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
The Right Stuff

Sunday, May 11, 2008
LA Musings ...

Carrie and Kyle took this photo of an iPod vending machine at Macy's. I thought it was so crazy that I had to share it with you guys too!
Happy Mother's Day To My Momma!
Since it is Mother's Day, I thought I would write a little bloggy blog to honor my precious Momma. There are just a few quick facts about her ...
- She is so young! She is only 47! (although she will be 48 on May 20th!) But that is very young for a Mom who has two girls who will be 28 and 25 this year!
- She is number 7 of 10 children!
- She is an incredible nurse! Now she works as an Occupational Health Nurse and doesn't do a lot of floor nursing anymore. She worked lots of places but Labor and Delivery was her favorite I believe. She also has a Master's degree in Special Education and a certification in Occupational Health.
- She was married at 17 and had her first kid (me) at 20 and my sister at 23. She and my dad have been married for 31 years this September. Not too shabby for a whirlwind romance where you meet in May and are married in September!
- She always orders salad and water with NO lemon wherever and whenever she goes out to eat!
- She loves books on CD! Mainly because she doesn't have time to read books.
- She can fall asleep doing any task whether reading, cleaning, or even paying bills. This is because she does too much and doesn't know when to stop working so she can rest.
- She makes an awesome lasanga and Aaron loves her homemade mac and cheese and homemade cookies!
These are just a few of the things she has taught me in life ...
- She taught me to walk by faith.
- She introduced me to good music.
- She taught me how to love.
- She taught me great work ethic (sometimes she takes this too far)
- She showed me how to give without expecting anything in return.
She has accomplished so much in just 47 almost 48 years of life. And although most people would never know it, she has overcome some big obstacles in her life. Growing up I think all little girls look up to the their Mom so much and I had a wonderful example of love, determination, sacrifice, and faith. I am so grateful that God blessed me with her as my Momma. I love you so much and I hope that you have a wonderful Mother's Day! Thanks for being my Momma!
Thursday, May 8, 2008

We are having lots of fun. We did some shopping today and now we are watching 27 dresses. Gotta get back to my sisterly time!
PS ... Thanks for reading. I know this is less like a blog and more like a journal (so says my little husband :) If it is pop culture stuff you are looking for you should read his blog. He is a walking Entertainment Weekly!
I am so hungry ...
Yesterday I watched Jon and Kate + 8. Then God and I had a chat about how thankful I am that he blessed me with ONE little boy growing in my belly.
Am I talking too much about this little baby on here? Sorry if I am already one of those Mom's. I am just so in love with this little one. He is kicking more frequently and harder. I love it! I keep telling him to bring it on because Momma can take it :)
He has kicked enough to wake me up the last two mornings at 6:15 - which is 8:15 Nashville time. So I told him that we would call his Daddy and talk to him on the way to work :) And I love that time talking to him! You probably think I am crazy. Oh well. I am head over heals in love with both my boys! I never thought I would be a soccer mom but I can feel it coming on already.
I am off to wake up my sister and beg her to make some of her pancakes with strawberries. She is a WONDERFUL cook! I might also go through her cookbooks while she is cooking and make some notes. I can use all of the help I can get and I can eat all of the food she can cook!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'm In LA!

Two Things I Miss So Much About Nashville ...
My sweet, sneeky, little husband put a package in my suitcase that I can't open until Mother's Day. I love him. I wish he were here. There is a 53 inch TV at my sister's house that I feel sure he would enjoy.
We are about to head to target to look at little boy clothes :) Carrie and Kyle bought some adorable baby boy clothes for little Baby Chambers. I took some pictures of them and will post them soon. They are so cute!
Being off from work is great! I have only logged in twice today :) Why can I not just unplug?
Friday, May 2, 2008
Rainy Friday ...
We bought a few little onesies and I keep going into his room and looking at them. I just keep thinking he is going to fit into these little outfits and I can hardly wait to cuddle him in them! Our friends Mike and Michelle came by and we watched the ultrasound video with them. They said we are going to have to get good at swaddling him because the way he is laying his little legs will always be all curled up around his face if we don't :) You can't tell from the pictures but they said he is laying sideways right now. So his little head is on my left side and his feet are on my my right. Now I understand why I could only feel the flutters on my right side because his little feet were over there.
Also it seems this one has some really long legs :) Makes sense since his daddy is 6 foot 4 inches tall! The lady who did our ultrasound said that my due date was measuring around 9/18 and we thought it was 9/23 so maybe my doctor will move it up. We will see. My next visit is 5/13. Aaron goes with me to all the visits. I love it! He is so cute about always asking questions to make sure that we are doing all of the right things. I love sharing every minute of this with him.
Aaron thinks that it looks like he has my nose and I definitely think he has Aaron's little knees and legs. I mean how much can you tell from the photos but this is what we have decided. We were both happy about that because I have always thought Aaron had the cutest long legs and he tends to think I have a cute nose :) So it's perfect.
We are going to have to get started on his room now. We had decided before we even knew what we were having that we wanted to do a lions and lambs theme. A - because Aaron has always loved lions and b - because I really liked lambs. We thought it would be perfect since Jesus is the lion and the lamb. Then my Mom told me that when my sister was little she was fascinated by the fact that someday after Jesus comes back the lions and the lambs would play together as friends (see how precious she was even then). So we decided that lions and lambs it would be. We haven't found any lion and lamb only bedding but we found a kind of an animal theme and so we may do that and have lots of lion and lamb accents. It is so fun shopping for all of this stuff.
This week our friends and also our Sunday School teachers, Jack and Mandy are going to start a series on parenting. Aaron and I always learn so much from both of them and we are so excited to see what God has to teach us. What perfect timing, right! Jack sent an email this week to kind of prepare our hearts for the first class on Sunday and he said that his mother in law gave him a plaque years ago that said parenting is like nailing jello to a tree. I think that must be a perfect analogy. Already God has changed my heart so much even towards my own parents and just realizing the sacrifices and understanding their love for me. You think you know, but you just don't I guess until you walk that road on your own. I am so thankful for how God is constantly working on our hearts and how he uses things that happen in our lives to always point us to him. I am so grateful that my parents raised me to love the Lord. More than anything I just want this little boys heart to search after and love the Lord. Aaron has such a way of pointing out God's hand in our lives (sometimes I will admit it is a little annoying) but more and more I am so thankful that this little one and I have such a tenderhearted man who loves God as the leader in our family. What a gift that is!
I am down to about 3 days and counting until my little peanut and I jump on a plane to visit my sister in Los Angeles ... well Cypress to be exact. I was able to visit her her October and I get to go one more time before the baby comes. It is so much fun hanging out with her. Last time I had my first In-and-Out burger and I can't wait to go again. We may have to stop on the way home from the airport (even if it is 11 pm :) This trip I get to go with her to her company's awards banquet on the Queen Mary. How fun! I just have to find something that I can fit into :) I will miss Aaron so much and I wish he could go; it would be so much fun to share with him. He is saving his vacation for after the baby comes and we are going to visit my parents in Vero Beach at the end of May. We haven't been there since my Momma moved into their house over a year ago. I had saved up so much vacation that I wasn't going to accrue any more if I didn't use it so that made for a great excuse to visit my sister and her husband and then Momma and Dad! I will post some pictures from our visits if anyone who cares to see :)
Well I am off to try and get lots in on this Friday. I am so glad I love my job because I have so many deadlines these days that I just don't even know where to start. We are putting out some 2 for 1's soon. It will be two albums bundled in one CD for the price of one. It is all catalog stuff. Sure it sounds like a great idea but I have to re-write the packaging copy for 60 CD's in about 2 months on top of the other releases we are working on! We just finished up the tobyMac package a few weeks ago. His new CD + DVD will release on 5/27. It is really good! I am not normally a live CD type of person but as always Toby is a genius and delivers so you should go buy it as soon as it comes out.
Ok, well enough rambling from me. Those of you who know how much I talk probably expected these long posts, right :) I promise not to always write so much but it's a rainy Friday and it has been fun to just sit here and type while I look out my window.
Thanks for checking back! I'll write more soon!