Thursday, May 8, 2008

I am so hungry ...

I have entered a new phase of pregnancy .... hunger. I eat all of the time. I can't get enough food! So far I have only gained 10 pounds and for 20 weeks preggers that feels good to me. But now I just know that is about to change.

Yesterday I watched Jon and Kate + 8. Then God and I had a chat about how thankful I am that he blessed me with ONE little boy growing in my belly.

Am I talking too much about this little baby on here? Sorry if I am already one of those Mom's. I am just so in love with this little one. He is kicking more frequently and harder. I love it! I keep telling him to bring it on because Momma can take it :)

He has kicked enough to wake me up the last two mornings at 6:15 - which is 8:15 Nashville time. So I told him that we would call his Daddy and talk to him on the way to work :) And I love that time talking to him! You probably think I am crazy. Oh well. I am head over heals in love with both my boys! I never thought I would be a soccer mom but I can feel it coming on already.

I am off to wake up my sister and beg her to make some of her pancakes with strawberries. She is a WONDERFUL cook! I might also go through her cookbooks while she is cooking and make some notes. I can use all of the help I can get and I can eat all of the food she can cook!

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